Customized On-site Corporate Leadership Training

An exclusive training solution to serve the unique needs of each individual client

We believe in making good managers great leaders. Unlike traditional training firms, being a group of experts enables WithIN Leadership to deliver the unique expertise needed with each specific business situation. We customize all training programs to fit our clients´ values, goals, and strategies. Our focus is on delivering relevant, hands-on training catered to the needs of our clients.

Training Topics

Coaching Strategies for Leaders

Transformational leaders are able to increase teamwork and decrease unhealthy conflict, even during times of change. This program delivers coaching tools tailored for leaders to help their organizations grow faster and more efficiently.

Connecting with Executives

Organizations employ individuals who have the required experience to get the job done. But when someone who has great experience doesn’t know how to relay their suggestions to senior executives with a powerful business case and communication skills, their ideas are overlooked. This program explores strategies to present data that executives are seeking so they can make an informed decision.

Connected Communications

Employee engagement surveys consistently highlight the lack of communication as a problem area. Communication is a crucial skill for employees at all levels of the organization. This course is designed to provide actionable techniques, tools, and practice to be better prepared to communicate effectively and with influence.

Connected Leadership

Research shows that there is a direct link between a leader’s self-identity and performance. This course incorporates over 30 years of analysis and experience in identifying what sets effective leaders apart. Leaders at all stages will leave with a roadmap to propel them to the next level of success.

Values + Action = Culture

Company culture exists. It’s even been rumored to eat strategy for breakfast. The question is: does your culture exist by design or by default? This program walks leaders through a process to identify their core values and create programs that encourage the culture they want to create, instead of leaving it to chance.

LEAD360 for New Managers

An organization’s managers are the linchpins to the company’s success. Why, then, do we wait 12 years to train new managers how to be successful leaders? The LEAD360 program provides valuable information and the opportunity to practice key skills to create a more engaged, more productive workforce.
If you have a distinct training request, please contact us to discuss your needs.