Speaking Topics

  • Coaching Strategies for Leaders

    To increase teamwork and decrease unhealthy conflict, today ́s leaders need coaching skills. Coaching within organizations ensures communication, connectivity, and performance, all of which make a strong contribution to an organization's productivity and profitability. This session offers coaching tools tailored for leaders to navigate our changing environment.

  • Retaining your Best Employees During Low Unemployment

    Low unemployment may be good for the economy, but it can cause pain for your leaders. At times like this, holding on to your top talent becomes even more important. This presentation takes a look at three top reasons employees leave and offers solutions organizations can implement to overcome costly turnover.

  • Strategic Delegation

    You’ve tried repeating it, you’ve tried demonstrating it, but your employees are still struggling. Why are they not listening? Lack of effective delegation costs your company money in wasted effort and missed deadlines. Successful leaders know how to delegate in a way that gains commitment from employees and achieves timely results. This session examines factors that inhibit listening and offers techniques to delegate strategically.

  • Creating a Coaching Culture

    The successful organization of today is much different than it was at the turn of the millennium. The consistency of technological change is pushing organizations to move faster and more efficiently. The age-old methods of reviewing performance simply don't keep up with the changes that organizations need to stay current. Coaching within organizations ensures communication, connectivity, and efficient performance, all of which make a strong contribution to an organization's productivity and profitability.

  • Retention-Based Onboarding

    HR can make a positive impact on business by increasing engagement and retention through an often overlooked and underutilized tool: onboarding. It’s been proven that a strong onboarding program can help stop the downward cycle of turnover for years to come. It doesn't have to be costly, but it does have to be intentional. Together, we will discuss the 3 phases of onboarding and how to measure the effectiveness of your program and ensure that it aligns with your company’s strategic goals.

  • Connecting with Executives

    HR professionals and mid-level managers often fail to connect with executives in ways that allow them to contribute in a way that effectively influences decision making. This presentation is designed to provide insights to use when preparing a presentation in which you seek to influence the thinking, decisions, and actions of executives.

  • Developing Business Acumen

    HR professionals are continually hearing about becoming a strategic partner and getting a seat at the table. Their CEOs want them to know the numbers and the trends of the workplace. But how can HR professionals be more strategic when they’re so busy handling the details? This presentation offers a solid foundation of what Business Acumen is and how HR professionals can carve out time in their busy schedules to increase this important behavioral competency.

We customize all speaking engagements to fit our clients´ values, goals, and strategies. If you have a distinct speaking request, please contact us to discuss your needs.

About Our Speaker

Jennifer is a Senior Partner with HR Soul located in Tampa, FL, which is a group of experts helping companies grow through customized training programs. She has over 20 years of corporate experience, is a university professor, and has hosted a weekly radio show. Jennifer is a national instructor for SHRM and a three-time author. Jennifer holds an executive MBA, nationally accredited certifications in coaching (ACC) and human resources (SHRM-SCP), and is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA).

Jennifer has spoken in front of audiences consisting of more than 500 participants for five years in a row at the SHRM Annual Conference. She is an international speaker who has worked for the International Society of Performance Improvement. Since 2013, Jennifer has been speaking for regional, state, and international conferences. Some of her clients include the Association for Talent Development (ATD), the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), and the Electronic Security Association (ESA). In 2019, Jennifer won the Achievement Award for the National Speakers Association's Speaker’s Academy.

Verified Expertise in Keynote Speaking

Our speaker is listed as a Recommended Speaker by the Society for Human Resource Management

Speaker Testimonials

Laurel DeMattia

Human Resources Manager

“Jennifer takes her public speaking talent to an admirable level with practical take-aways backed with proven strategic results. I would invite her to speak for any professional group interested in immediately applying what they learn.”

Greg Amato

Chief Information Officer at Dynamic Campus

“Her passion and drive for progressing the practice of management are inspiring. Without question, she will exceed all expectations.”

Hannah Puder

Associate Producer at Mactavish Pictures

“Jennifer is a dynamic public speaker. Entertaining and fun to listen to, she shares insightful and timely information while leaving you laughing and smiling.”

David Sandow

Franchise Owner at Spherion

“Jennifer is by far one of the most educated and professional HR Strategic Talent Management Professionals I have worked personally with in my career.”

Michael Canales

Associate Vice President at CSU Operations at JPMorgan Chase

“Currence has demonstrated to me time and time again that she is an exceptional communicator and gifted professional. She is a highly dedicated professional who knows how to motivate staff to drive for excellence.”

Jennifer´s Book Series

Available for keynote speaking book giveaways

Our book series, published by SHRM, is titled Making an Impact in Small Business HR. These three books cover the business behavioral competencies as identified by SHRM. The first book, Developing Business Acumen, was on SHRM's Top 10 Best Seller list for 2017.